The truth about Hide
Hideto Matsumoto died on May 2, 1998. After a night out drinking, he was found hanged with a towel tied to a doorknob in his Tokyo apartment. While authorities deemed Matsumoto's death a suicide,several of Hide's friends and colleagues stated that they believed it to be an accident, among them X Japan co-founder Yoshiki Hayashi and former X Japan bassist Taiji Sawada. This notion is supported by the fact that no suicide note was left and Sawada theorizes in his autobiography, that at the night of his death, Hide may have been practicing a technique to relieve upper back and neck pains which guitarists can suffer from continuous use of a shoulder strap. The technique involved was practiced by the X Japan members during their touring days and required the use of a towel and a door knob or handle. According to Sawada, Matsumoto may have fallen asleep in his intoxicated state, becoming caught and strangling himself.

I studied how Hide was on the weeks and months and even days leading to his death, and it seemed that Hide was very upbeat and happy. I also studied what Hide wanted to do in the future. He had plans to break out in to America, he was not suicidal. I then found out the shoking news of 3 people who attempted suicide because their hero had suposodly comitted suicide. This was terrible, i had to find out the truth, for his fans, for his family and friends and for him. So i consulted Friend. Before i even opend my mouth about Hide and i just showed Friend a pcture he said, ''he didnt kill himself''. ''He was really intoxicated and he went to his apartment and  Had really bad shoukder acke. He lied down on the bed but he couldt relive the pain, so he got up and went and reached for a towl. He then started to do some sort of exercise. He then started to be sick. I feel he fell unconsious. Then he fell down getting choked by the towel. He did not comitt suicide. Its tragic''. All this infomation without me opening my mouth. He then claimed that Hide himself came an comunicated with him. ''i dont like it when people feel sorry for me. I dont want people to take their own lives. Im a humanitarium. Im ok my mum is upset though''. - Hide comunicating via Friend.

After what Yoshiki said about the towl exercises, and how Hide was feeling and his plans for the fututre, and The line of comunication between Freind and Hide, i and friend have found the truth. Hideto Matsumoto died on May 2, 1998 by Choking on his vomitt. It was a horrible accident. No any fans of Hides, this is the truth. I hope it puts Hide at peace and his friends, family and fans.

R.I.P hide.

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